Time: 9:30AM Venue: AC-223
Opening Remarks Topic: Land Acknowledgement / Opening Remarks Speakers: Andrew Arifuzzaman (UTSC)
Time: 10:00AM
Presentation Topic: HousingPlan Speakers: City of Toronto
Time: 10:30AM Venue: AC-223 Topic: Construction Opportunities that Benefit Community Speakers: United Way ACON & Golden Mile
Time: 12:00PM
Outdoor Patio
Time: 01:00PM Venue: AC-223 Topic: Equitable Housing Solutions: Bridging Cities, Suburbs, and Metropolitan Governance/ Sustainable Solutions: Balancing Rural Development and Urban Migration through New Housing Initiatives Speakers: Dave Hardy (Hardy Stevenson & Associates Limited), Temo Cruz, Ian Jones (BGI Group)
Time: 01:45PM Venue: AC-223 Topic: Balancing Landlord and Tenant Rights Speakers: Anthony Furey (Stronach Foundation), Nicole Forrester (Expo Reality Brokerage), Kayla Andrade (Ontario Landlords Watch)
Time: 02:30PM Venue: AC-223 Topic: Building Bridges, Breaking Barriers: Toward Inclusive Housing Solutions for Students Speakers: Jason Glover (Veterans Review & Appeal Board), Neel Joshi (UTSC), Ali Ozden (BECC Modular)
Time: 03:00PM Venue: HLB101
Thought Leadership Topic: Thought Leadership Speakers: Eisa Lee ( XLA | Modular Architects)
Time: 03:15PM Venue: AC-233 Topic: Green Horizons: Addressing the Housing Crisis through Sustainable Living and Renewable Energy Solutions Speaker: Alison Mountz (Earth District UTSC), Dave Morely (Pomerlea)
Time: 10:30AM Venue: AC-223
Opening Remarks Topic: Land Acknowledgement/ Welcome Speakers: Mayor Kevin Ashe (Pickering)
Time: 10:45AM Venue: AC-223 Topic: Addressing the Trifecta of Housing Crisis, Affordability, and Skilled Labor Shortages Speakers: Marlon Bray (Altus Group), Mark Richardson (HousingNowTO), Richard Lyall (Rescon), Mike York (Carpenters’ District Council of Ontario), Ian Jones BGI Group),
Time: 11:15AM Venue: AC-223 Topic: Scarborough Forward: Exploring the Future of Housing, Inclusive Economy, and Beyond Speakers: Larry Whatmore (Scarborough Community Renewal Organization ), Councillor Parthi Kandavel, Matt Young (Republic Developments), Rosemarie Powell (Toronto Community Benefits)
Time: 11:30AM Venue: AC-223 Topic: How Housing became unaffordable and Exploring Solutions Speakers: Aled Ab Lorwerth (CMHC), Michael Braithwaite (Blue Door), Nick Gefucia (Ellis Don), Sherry Larjani (Spotlight development), Stacey Ann Berry (Bstellar® Group Inc.)
Time: 12:00PM Venue: Highland Hall
Tradeshow & Career Fair opens
Time: 12:15PM
Time: 01:30PM Venue: HB-101 Topic: Homefront Ontario: Navigating the Affordable Housing Crisis and Mortgage & Real Estate Maze Speakers: Social Media Real Estate/Mortgage Influences: Mark Mitchelle, Fahad Rehman, Zhen Liang, Shawn Allen, Andy Tran (Suite Additions)
Time: 02:30PM Venue: HB-101 Topic: Scarborough Forward: Exploring the Future of Housing, Inclusive Economy, and Beyond Speakers: Anthony Furey (Stronach Foundation), Councilor Parthi Kandavel, Matt Young (Republic Developments), Rosemarie Powell (Toronto Community Benefits)
Time: 03:15PM Venue: HB-101 (230) Topic: Empowering Communities through Social Enterprise Construction Programs and Affordable Housing Initiatives Speakers: Carly Gasparini (Communit Builders), Camilo Garay (CP Planning), Kofi Hope (Monumental)
Time: 04:15PM Venue: HB-108 (34)
Thought Leadership Topic: The Joy Concept – a major answer to the Crisis Speakers: Ian Jones – (BGI Group) Venue: HB-106 (27)
Thought Leadership Topic: Thought Leadership
Time: 05:00PM
Time: 7:30AM-11:15AM Venue: Highland Hall
(Pre-registration required) Topic: HousingNowTO TTC Tour Speakers: Affordable Housing Scarborough Bus Tour
Time: 12PM-3PM Venue: Highland Hall
Tradeshow & Career Fair Topic: Tradeshow All Day
Time: 12:00PM Venue: Highland Hall
Opening Remarks Topic: Land Acknowledgement/ Welcome
Time: 01:00PM Venue: AC-223 Topic: Scarborough Forward: Exploring the Future of Housing, Inclusive Economy, and Beyond Speakers: Manny Sousa (ACSA), John Stapleton (Open Policy Ontario), Utcha Sawyers (Yemoja Project)
Time: 02:00PM Venue: HB-101 Topic: Thought Leadership Speakers: Mike Labbe
Time: 03:00PM Venue: HB-101 Topic: Thought Leadership Speakers: TBA
Time: 04:00PM Venue: HB-101 Topic: Thought Leadership Speakers: TBA
Friday May 24
Saturday May 25
Sunday May 26
Time: 9:00 Venue: AC-223
Time: 10:30 Venue: AC-223
Opening Remarks Topic: Land Acknowledgement Speakers: Andrew Arifuzzaman (UTSC)
Time: 10:45 Venue: AC-223
Presentation Topic: Housing TO 2020-2030 Action Plan Speakers: Mercedeh Madani (City of Toronto)
Time: 11:15 Venue: AC-223
Panel Topic: Construction Opportunities that Benefit Community Speakers: Nation Cheong (United Way Greater Toronto), Heela Omarkhail (The Daniels Corporation), Scott Ryan (Aecon Utilities), Victoria Armit (Centre for Inclusive Economic Opportunity, Golden Mile)
Time: 12:00
Time: 01:00 Venue: AC-223
Panel Topic: The Off-site Modular Construction Road Map, from Concept to Completion Speakers: Shailesh Poddar ( Habitat 28) , Eisa Lee (xL Architects ), Patrick Chouinard (Element 5), Jackie Evans (NRB), Moderator Luke Dufour (Councillor , City of Sault Ste. Marie)
Time: 01:45 Venue: AC-223
Panel Topic: Balancing Landlord and Tenant Rights Speakers: Anthony Furey (Stronach Foundation), Nicole Forrester (Exp Reality Brokerage), Kayla Andrade (Ontario Landlords Watch), Asquith Allen (Policy and Regulatory Affairs at the Federation of Rental Housing Providers of Ontario)
Time: 02:30 Venue: AC-223
Panel Topic: Building Bridges, Breaking Barriers: Toward Inclusive Housing Solutions for Students Speakers: Jason Glover (Veterans Review & Appeal Board), Neel Joshi (UTSC), Ali Ozden (BECC Modular), David Ip Yam (Centennial College)
Time: 03:15 Venue: AC-223
Panel Topic: Green Horizons: Addressing the Housing Crisis through Sustainable Living and Renewable Energy Solutions Speakers: Alison Mountz (UTSC), Sergio Montero Munoz (UTSC), Imre Szeman (UTSC), Luisa Sotomayor (York), David Moses (Moses Structural Engineers)
Time: 04:00 Venue: AC-233
Thought Leadership
Workshop Rooms
Time: 02:00 Venue: HB-108
Thought Leadership Topic: Mass Timber and Affordable Housing Speaker: Patrick Chouinard (Element 5)
Time: 03:00 Venue: HB-108
Thought Leadership Topic: Unlocking Potential: Perspectives on the Challenges and Opportunities of Modular Construction Speaker: Eisa Lee ( xL | Modular Architects)
Time: 03:00 Venue: HB-106
Thought Leadership Topic: No Compromise: Solutions For Making Affordable Housing High Performing & Sustainable Speaker: Tania-Joy Bartlett, Manager Feris Kawartha and CEO of New Beginnings Building Services Inc. & NB Plus Ltd.
Scarborough Golf Club/ VIP Gala
Time: 05:00
Time: 06:00
Land Acknowledgement
Suman Roy (Feed Scarborough)
Time: 06:10
Opening Remarks
Larry Whatmore (Scarborough Community Renewal Organization)
Time: 06:20
Opening Remarks
Hon. Gary Anandasangaree
Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations
Time: 06:30
Key Note Topic: Mayor Olivia Chow
Time: 6:45-8:00
Time: 10:00 Venue: AC-223
Time: 10:30 Venue: AC-223
Opening Remarks Topic: Land Acknowledgement/ Welcome Speakers: Mayor Kevin Ashe (Pickering)
Time: 10:45 Venue: AC-223
Panel Topic: Addressing the Trifecta of Housing Crisis, Affordability, and Skilled Labor Shortages Speakers: Marlon Bray (Altus Group), Mark Richardson (HousingNowTO), Richard Lyall (Rescon), Mike York (Past – Carpenters’ District Council of Ontario), Ian Jones (BGI Group)
Time: 11:30 Venue: AC-223
Panel Topic: How Housing Became Unaffordable and Exploring Solutions Speakers: Aled ab lorwerth (CMHC), Michael Braithwaite (Blue Door), Nick Gefucia (EllisDon), Sherry Larjani (Spotlight Development), Stacey Ann Berry (Bstellar® Group Inc.)
Time: 12:15
Time: 01:00 Venue: Highland Hall
Tradeshow & Career Fair Opens
Time: 01:30 Venue: HB-101
Panel Topic: Homefront Ontario: Navigating the Affordable Housing Crisis and Mortgage & Real Estate Maze Speakers: Social Media Real Estate/Mortgage Influences: Mark Mitchelle (Mortgage Broker London), Fahad Rehman (Next Gen), Zhen Liang (Prime Properties), Shawn Allen (Matrix Mortgage), Andy Tran (Suite additions)
Time: 02:30 Venue: HB-101
Panel Topic: Scarborough Forward: Exploring the Future of Housing, Inclusive Economy, and Beyond Speakers: Larry Whatmore (Scarborough Community Renewal Organization), Councillor Parthi Kandavel, Matt Young (Republic Developments), Rosemarie Powell (Toronto Community Benefits)
Time: 03:15 Venue: HB-101
Panel Topic: Empowering Communities through Social Enterprise Construction Programs and Affordable Housing Initiatives Speakers: Carly Gasparini (Community Builders), Camilo Garay (CP Planning), Kofi Hope (Monumental)
Thought Leadership
Workshop Rooms
Time: 03:15 Venue: HB-108
Thought Leadership Topic: The JOY Concept: An Answer to The Problem Speakers: Ian Jones (BGI Group)
Time: 03:15 Venue: HB-106
Thought Leadership Topic: My Tiny Home: The Home Perfected, How Do I Get Started Speakers: Brandon Mills (MonX Designs)
Time: 03:15 Venue: HB-110
Thought Leadership Topic: Tackling the Housing Crisis by Maximizing your Current Portfolio Speakers: Danielle Chiasson (Strategic Success Consulting)
Time: 04:00 Venue: HB-101
Thought Leadership Topic: Multifamily purpose build land development, affordability, and energy efficiency! Building one building at a time! Investment in real estate and help build communities together! Speakers: Evelyn Santizo (PRG Royal LePage), Hisham Kufaishi (eXp Reality), Junaid Javaid (Real Estate Development), Adriana Ostapenko (Acquisitions & Development)
Time: 04:00 Venue: HB-106
Thought Leadership Topic: We Know it is a BIG Problem but we have a BIG Solution Speakers: Mike Labbe (Home Opportunities)
Time: 04:00 Venue: HB-110
Thought Leadership Topic: As Someone Considering an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) or Municipality, Learn How to Accelerate Housing, Leveraging the Advantages of Offsite Modular Construction to Streamline Approval Processes Speakers: Shailesh Poddar (Habitat28)
Time: 8:00-11:15 Venue: TTC Loop Topic: Parking Lot A Tour (pre-register on-line) Speakers: Mark Richardson
Time: 11:15
Time: 12:00 Venue: AC-223
Opening Remarks Topic: Land Acknowledgement / Opening Remarks Speakers: Hon. Charmaine A. Williams & Hon. Michael A. Tibollo
Time: 12:30 Venue: AC-223 Topic: Navigating Affordable Housing in Scarborough: Challenges and Solutions Speakers: Manny Sousa (ACSA Community Services), John Stapleton (Open Policy Ontario), Utcha Sawyers (BGC East Scarborough)
Time: 1:00-4:00 Venue: Highland Hall Topic: Tradeshow & Career Fair